Here's my grand return. It's been at least two years?? since I've made a post or worked on icons. I don't know how frequent I'll be making icons/posting, but I'll try to do it more than once a year. lol
So I know this is a ginormous I'm wont to post, because I usually do icons in bulk. And as of late I've been going back to the beginning, and I've finally got enough skills to be able to clean up these S1 caps for use! So with that trend in mine, we've got pilot icons (Wonderfalls and Angel aren't finished, but I decided to post what I
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[54] BTVS {B/A, Buffy, Angel, SMG, DB...} [33] BSG {Katee/Starbuck, Aaron/Chief, A/K, Anders..} [14] Dead Like Me [17] Random {Bones, Carly Pope, Scott Speedman, Heath Ledger, Chris Cornell...}
It's been a while, but I finally got some sort of muse back. 53-56 are rejects from when I tried making icons when I wasn't in the mood. . . and they suck. hehe It's very obvious which ones they are.
This post includes such things as BTVS alumni, Billy Talent, Chris Cornell (in honour of Audioslave. RIP), The Killers, and other such icons incl. Jason Statham, Hayden Pannettiere, Christian Bale...
I'm posting because I'm having a hard time getting into the mood to icon, so if I don't post now, it'll be a long time coming until I get enough to make another batch.
[*]10 BTVSish [*]14 BSG [*]18 Wonderfalls {1x01 Wax Lion} [*]4 Grey's related [*]24 Music and misc {incl Chris Bosh :D, Sandra Bullock, Jake Gyllenhaal, Jason Behr}